

Would like to dedicate it to my friends with whom i lost touch...

Gone are those days,
We together had enjoyed in many ways.
I look back,
What did I lack.
Where what had gone wrong,
To think back is it too long.
Under the sun together we laughed,
Did you think all that is now enough.
I thought you said friends for ever,
But now it is 'Nah Never'.
You said you can see some change,
I question you to what range?
I thought I will apologize,
Another chance you should have given otherwise.
Angry with you I am,
Should I just forget you wham.
Answer me I say,
U didn't even say go away.
Say something even a simple smile,
We slowly went apart mile by mile.
As the time laps,
It is difficult to bridge the gap.
Now a days you are being very curt,
Have no doubt it still does hurt.
To what extent I need not tell,
Cause in you it will ring no bell.
If you want to stay apart,
I will morn and depart.
But remember U will always be in my heart.